Breath Magnifies Energy

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A pop-up workshop! 
Radiant Lotus Women's QiGong:
Spotlight on Healing Breath.

Radiant Lotus Women's QiGong is a beautiful healing system of movements, sound, visualization and breath combined in harmony. We play RLWQ to cultivate inner and outer health, and to feed our Joy Bodies. We build resiliency at all ages and stages of life.

In this pop-up workshop for women, you will experience the whole series of RLWQ as created by Daisy Lee, with a special focus on the healing power of conscious breathing.

You will learn simple exercises to awaken your breathing potential on the physical and energetic planes, and then apply this expanded awareness to the series itself for an extra boost of vitality.

This workshop is suitable for beginners and seasoned practitioners alike; everyone will take away something new! You will leave with a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye.

Light refreshments will be served: herbal tea, filtered water, dark chocolate and Bliss Balls. Yum!

Please join me in the enchanted Qi Field! Isn't it always more fun and more powerful when we come together to play?

Blessings! Blessings! Blessings!

artwork by Alice Mason

Radiant Lotus Women's QiGong and Healing Breath

Saturday October 14 from 2-4:30pm
in the Amenity Room at 21 Nassau St.

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