Beloved Reader!
In this month of December, can you feel the pull of two different worlds vying for your attention? On one hand, there is the busy, bustling world of holidays, gifts, and social engagements. And on the other hand, there is the world of nature that is drawing into herself to hibernate, to dream, and to incubate.
I am certainly feeling the push and pull of these forces.... and I long for time to ponder the mystery of the season. As a result, this month's newsletter takes the form of a poem that. Let's lean into slowing down and recalibrating.
Press "pause".
Take a moment, and take a breath.
Spread the wings of your lungs and fill them to the brim. Then let them empty with a cleansing flush.
Do it again.
Let your freed breath flow as it wishes, like waves gently lapping the shore. Rolling in, flowing out...
Slow it all right down.
Don’t tell me you don’t have time! The busier you are, the more you need this.
Drop into the world of your senses. What do you smell? See? Hear? Feel? Taste?
There is no rush; explore as if you have all the time in the world. Because you do.
Give yourself enough time to pass through the doors of the obvious.... and dive into the tiny, quiet impulses that lie at the heart of it all. If you’re not careful, you might pass them by!
Embrace the still, small voice you find inside. It has always been with you, hoping to get your attention. It has been waiting patiently. It knows.
There is wisdom in these depths. There is peace in this underworld. There is you.
Rest here a while. Rest here as long as you need, as long as you can. A minute, a day, a year, a lifetime. Any amount is healing balm.
It can restore you, it can bring you back to yourself.
And when you return to the surface, you will know exactly what to do. And what not to do.
Cultivate the space between. Stretch it out. Wrap it around yourself like a blanket, a cocoon. Drink it in, so that every one of your cells glows with the knowing.
It is so quiet here: so peaceful, so welcoming, so familiar.
Press pause, and rest a while.
Do this often enough, and peace will shine through you into this world.
And what a gift that will be........
May the Peace of this season be with you in every way.
In Love and Light,
~ Karusia Nirmala