December Offerings from ShaktiFlow

December Offerings from Karusia Nirmala
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Greetings Beautiful Friend!

I've been spending more time outdoors this fall...taking long walks and playing qigong outside as much as possible every day, even in light rain and our first snow flakes. One place I like to practice is in our courtyard garden, near a black locust tree. When I moved here about fifteen years ago, this tree barely reached our second floor window; today its crown stretches up to the fifth floor! In the summer, its thick canopy of green leaves offers cooling shade, as well as a home for many birds and a playground for squirrels. This past month, I have witnessed its leaves turning bright golden-yellow, and then falling like rain to create a colourful carpet. This morning, its trunk and network of branches are bared and revealed. Many of the birds have moved on, the carpet is gone, and the courtyard grows silent.

I am learning about the seasons and their cycles! Of course, I have always "known" about this, but the difference is that I am starting to feel it. Like the bear in the picture above, every cell in my physical and spiritual body wants to draw inwards and take a deep rest. It makes a lot of sense to  s l o w  down and conserve resources when the days are short and the nights are long. Normally I push through the holidays and co-create even more busy-ness...leaving me drained and running on fumes. Sound familiar to anyone?

As a step in a healing direction, I am  s l o w i n g  down my December teaching schedule. I look forward to resting and recharging more, and dreaming into the next cycle of 2017. The classes I am offering will focus on ease and flow, so we can tune into recharging our energies! Please join me in healing practices of qigong that balance and purify our internal organs, breath-centered hatha yoga and/or the deep inner transformation of yoga nidra. Or curl up in your favourite version of hibernation and rest in the hug of your own cave.

May we all vibrate with Love and Light. May our heightened energies light up the darkness and lead the way.
~ Karusia Nirmala
Featured class: QiGong
Our organs work tirelessly on our behalf, behind the scenes. They hold memories and information. Showing them love, appreciation and attention makes them happy and clears any blockages so that energy and vitality can flow freely. Classes on Mondays from 7-8:15pm. See schedule below. All classes at 21 Nassau St. in the Amenity Room.
Give the gift of relaxation and well-being!
You asked for an eye pillow that will stay put when you lie on your side and I developed this style for 2016. I tested mine for one month on my travels in Poland and am very happy with the results. It is very comfy when lying on your back, and when you turn to your side you can adjust it slightly and it will stay put until you fall asleep. The eye masks are made of raw silk filled with organic flax and lavender, or you can order unscented or chamomile (which smells like fresh fields). Available in a wide variety of jewel tones. You can pick one up at a class, or order by mail. Price is $25 CAD. The original style of rectangular eye pillow is also available at $15 CAD. Email me if you have any questions or want to place an order of any size. Made with love and full of good vibes!
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