"Transitioning" by Emily Balivet emilybalivet.com
Time keeps on slipping into the future....
We are basking in late summer, with autumn's sweet whispers just up ahead. Cycles of life continue their flow.....the promise of spring that erupted into the opulence of summer; the harvesting, trimming and cooling of fall that will settle quietly into the silence of winter sleep....and in the ripeness of time, the wheel continues to turn.
As I approach a landmark birthday this year (60), I ponder the deepest stirrings of my heart and soul. What feeds my spirit? What dreams do I yearn yet to fulfill? What gifts can I offer this world?
The language of movement and energy is my joy, and always has been. I know that our bodies are clear and expressive, that they never lie, and that there is no end to the miracles held within our cells. This is why I continue to study, absorb and share disciplines such as dance, yoga and qigong. I find the same is true of Reiki and Tarot, as they are also forms of energy flowing in the subtle realms....
In October, I will fulfill a lifelong dream of traveling to Poland: to see and feel the land of my ancestors. Part of the plan is to work on my language skills: I heard Polish as a girl, but did not have a chance to mature my skills. I am discovering that sounds, vocabulary and emotions were nonetheless stored somewhere deep below the surface. They have been awakened and are streaming up to the surface, delighted to be liberated and ready to communicate through time and space.
My trip begins in Warsaw, and it is accented by two experiential movement courses led by two magnificent women. The first is with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen on embodying embryological development. The second is with my dear qigong teacher Daisy Lee, on deepening my studies of her Radiant Lotus form . I am excited about the work in both courses, and also about hearing the teachings in English with simultaneous Polish translation. All my cells are jumping for joy!
I am lightening my teaching load at the beginning of September. In addition to some downtime, I am also drinking up healing and inspiration by attending Daisy Lee's Organ Cleansing QiGong intensive next week in Toronto. Four years ago I began to learn about our internal organs and how they carry consciousness, memories and desires; as well as how they give us support and structure... yet how easy it is to take them for granted....and how easy it is to learn to appreciate and communicate with them. If you feel drawn to join in this workshop (Sept.8-11), please see flyer and contact me for more info. .
New Location: Starting Sept. 12, the Monday night women's qigong classes are moving from Akasha Studios in the east end, to Kensington Market. Please check my September schedule below: All classes are held in the Amenity Room of KML condos at 21 Nassau St. Please click <here> for map.
Special Events::Kirtan @ Ayurvedic Rituals on Friday .Sept. 30 from 7-9pm, suggested donation $10.
Co-led by Ana Shanti Bodnar and me. Songs of the heart, fables and time to reflect. Ayurvedic Rituals is in Toronto, please click <here> for details and to RSVP.
Beaming Love and Light to you right now,
Karusia Nirmala