Flow Freely into February with Yoga and other healing delights.

February Finds Flow:
Offerings from
Karusia Nirmala

Portrait with a Wolf by Catrin Welz-Stein

Beloved Reader

A student asked Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron how to handle living with a terrible feeling of regret and the associated sadness she feels. Here is how her teacher answered:


"Sad is good. Let sadness be a connector for you with humanity. Let sadness connect you with life. Life has sadness and life has joy … life has hard times and life has beautiful times. It's a complete picture, and you can't live a human life without all those aspects being a part of it. It is some kind of myth that you could avoid all the painful parts and just have the pleasant parts. That's definitely never going to happen. Everybody tries and it never happens. They keep trying anyway. So the fact that it hurts and you feel sad, think of that as actually good. Think of that as growth, that sometimes that is what growth feels like."


I have been quite taken by this quote, which arrived in my email box the other day. It is completely in synch with something that is coming up for me as this new calendar year swings into being. It appears that it is time for me to embrace my shadow.


What is this shadow? It contains all the difficult emotions, like sadness. It also includes shame, rage, fear, vulnerability. (Feel free to substitute any difficult emotion for “sadness” in the quote above. They all work.) These are all the things that I like to avoid, because…. well, they are painful. They make me squirm.


They are painful because they are “un-ladylike”, messy, chaotic, difficult, threatening, uncomfortable. They are painful because the world is full of so much suffering right now, that it is often easier to look away. 


It is also painful, because these emotions and states feel like failure… haven’t I risen above this? And in this way, my reaction to challenging emotions results in a cascade of self-blame and disappointment. So much judgment! No wonder my habituated response favours avoidance. And this downward spiral lands in a heap of heaviness and standstill…. And I’m stuck. 


I am a Light-Worker, a healer. I support others to find the hope and energy to move forward, and to grow into the best version of themselves. I'm good at it. I work on this every day for myself too. I am no stranger to depression, trauma, and disempowerment in my own life. I know that focusing on the Light alone has sometimes been the only way I could make it through the day…. I do love and value Light. But there is always room for growth. Now it's time to expand my awareness once again.


I find myself at a point where I feel secure enough to begin the journey to make friends with these difficult places. To face and accept them without flinching, and without the extra baggage of shame. Shadows are part of my life, after all. My whole life, not just the parts that are cherry-picked. Darkness and Light belong to us all.


Everything is energy. That includes the pleasurable AND the painful. Chasing one, and avoiding the other, breeds attachment. This in turn causes suffering, and it chokes the flow of life. 


So here I am, taking baby steps to accept the dark places within me… and to relax with my humanness, all of it … a work in progress. 


If you would like to listen to the podcast that inspired this newsletter, please tune in here


Here's to 2020, the year of clear vision.
May we all love what is.
May we all rejoice in our full natures.



~ Karusia Nirmala

Move With Effortless Ease
Saturday Feb.15 from 2-5pm. $50 

Would you like to feel light and supple in all that you do? Please join me for an afternoon of simple and effective exercises to re-educate:
  • support/balance
  • expansion/suspension, and
  • multidimensional breathing
Your spine will feel longer, and your movements will feel effortless, yet precise! We will apply these principles to some simple yoga, qigong and walking practices. Light refreshments are included. RSVP here.

artist: Anita Burnaz
February Public Classes

All classes are held in the Amenity Room at 21 Nassau St. Please enter through the garden pathway west of the main doors. The door is unlocked 15 minutes before each class. Mats and props are available.

Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. $15.
Women's QiGong  7-8:15pm. $15.

Restorative Yoga 5-6:30pm. $15.
(No class Feb. 25)

Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. $15.
*  *  *  *  *

Move With Effortless Ease
Saturday Feb. 15
2-5 pm
(see details in box above)

*  *  *  *  *

I also have appointments available for
Reiki sessions and Tarot Readings

Please click on links above for pricing and details.
Reiki sessions can be in person or done remotely, and Tarot can be read in real time (in person or over the internet), or by email.

Tarot: The Devil
This is a very disturbing card. It forces us to face our most uncomfortable feelings, the ones we usually avoid or suppress. It is denial that blocks our growth, not the failings themselves. 

It is time to accept that we all share the dark side, as well as the light. Like the androgynous dancer depicted in the card, we must learn to flow with these opposites. It is time to love ALL parts of ourselves, and to engage with our pain without flinching. We cannot bypass this vital step.

Be gentle with yourself as you face your shadow. It takes courage and humility to relax with the hard places, and to befriend them. Think of all the energy that will be set free! 
from The Star Tarot by Cathy McClelland

My Offerings

I support people to move, think and breathe in new ways that free them to be the best they can be. For this, I draw on a lifetime of exploration in dance, experiential anatomy, prayer, healing, yoga and qigong.

My training as a yoga therapist supplies many tools to help you balance your biomechanics, your nerves, your hormones, your thoughts and your emotions while learning new skills to boost your vitality and well-being. My background as an artist and mystic helps you to find beauty, harmony, meaning and magic on your healing journey.  

Hatha Yoga
Women's QiGong
Yoga Nidra
Restorative Yoga
Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
Yoga Therapy
Stress Release

~ Private sessions, corporate classes, holiday parties, speaking engagements by appointment~
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