Flow into Fall: October Classes with Karusia

Flow into October with Flair:
Offerings from
Karusia Nirmala
... "Frog Prince" by Jane Ray ...

Beloved Reader!


A poem crossed my path the other day and took my breath away... it touched me with its razor truth. I'd like to share it with you.
What do sad people have in common?
It seems they have all built a shrine to the past
And often go there and do a strange wail and worship.
What is the beginning of happiness?
It is to stop being so religious like that.

~ Hafiz~

As I started writing about the poem, I found myself dropping into a heavy energy. I worked on three drafts of this newsletter that all ground to a halt. I had step away for a while. I began to feel a little tense, as I like to have my newsletters out a few days before the first of the month. But I was stuck. How was the energy going to flow again?

This discomfort continued for a while longer. It wasn't pretty.

And then two different emails popped into my inbox, one following closely on the other. The first was about about becoming soft. The second one was about fall as a time of letting go. Together, these sparked energies to lighten up, and to move again.

I was being hard on myself, and that was not helping. I decided that it was worthwhile to become softer and kinder to myself. I began to poke my head out and take a look at the world around me again.

Fall is indeed in the air. The seasons have definitely shifted; we are leaving summer behind.


As the air crisps up, we bundle up in cozy sweaters and wraps. Trees change colour and leaves begin to fall. Those leaves let go so effortlessly… sometimes a breeze playfully helps their release.

I know people who hold on to painful memories far too long. I know how difficult it is to be around them in these states. And I know how painful it is to be that person myself. To endlessly recite wrongs done to us, as well as wrongs we have done to others only prolongs our suffering. Guilt, shame, the inability to forgive self or other…. whichever way you cut it, it hurts. It paralyzes.

Focussing on the problem creates more pain. So what is the solution? Where does the medicine lie?


I think of those leaves letting go so gracefully and effortlessly. I can even see the rain outside my window washing a few of them from their branches to the ground below. They do not fight to hold on; they release easily because it is time to let go. It is a marvel, and a message. It feels freeing. I feel lighter. 

And a fresh perspective rises up in me. One that is softer, kinder and more supple than the one that had me bound up in its clutches.

The past is part of us, all of it. The pain, the joy, the mistakes, the victories; all are an integral part of who we are now, and of what has brought us to this very moment. Let’s embrace it fully, warts and all, and love it with our whole hearts. Instead of looking back with regret, let's look forward to the next chapter with enthusiasm and curiosity. Let's appreciate the beauty that is always with us, and let's use the wisdom we have gained to set our course. The energy that is freed by letting go, can become the wind beneath our wings.


May this fall be a season of letting go with ease and grace.

In Love and Light,


~ Karusia Nirmala

On Yoga Retreat 

I will be attending a gathering at the Mount Madonna Centre this month to honour the life and teachings of Baba Hari Dass. It has been one year since he transitioned from form into formlessness. I look forward to a time of recharging and reconnecting with the heart of yogic teachings and practice.
Thursdays in October: 7-8:15pm. $20
BellyDance. Oct. 3
Women's QiGong. Oct. 17
Yoga Nidra. Oct. 24 and 31
October Public Classes & Workshops

* I'm on personal retreat Oct.5-14 *

All classes are held in the Amenity Room at 21 Nassau St. Please enter through the garden pathway west of the main doors. The door is unlocked 15 minutes before each class. Mats and props are available.

Mondays (Oct. 21 and 28)
Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. $15.
Women's QiGong  7-8:15pm. $15.

Tuesdays (Oct.1, 15, 22 and 29)
Restorative Yoga 5-6:30pm. $15.

Thursdays (Oct. 3, 17, 24 and 31)
Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. $15.
Bellydance 7-8:15pm. $20 Oct. 3
Women's QiGong 7-8:15pm. $20 Oct. 17
Yoga Nidra 7-8:15pm. $20 Oct. 24 and 31

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I also have appointments available for
Reiki sessions
and Tarot readings.
Please contact me for details. Reiki sessions can be in person or done remotely, and Tarot can be read in person or over Skype, FaceTime or What's App.

My Offerings

I support people to move, think and breathe in new ways that free them to be the best they can be. For this, I draw on a lifetime of exploration in dance, experiential anatomy, prayer, healing, yoga and qigong.

My training as a yoga therapist supplies many tools to help you balance your biomechanics, your nerves, your hormones, your thoughts and your emotions while learning new skills to boost your vitality and well-being. My background as an artist and mystic helps you to find beauty, harmony, meaning and magic on your healing journey.  

Hatha Yoga
Women's QiGong
Yoga Nidra
Restorative Yoga
Tarot and Oracle Card Readings
Yoga Therapy
Stress Release

~ Private sessions, corporate classes, holiday parties, speaking engagements by appointment~
Five of Cups

Three cups have spilled. Their contents are gone, washed away forever.

Yet two cups remain standing... and they are adorned with butterflies and rainbows, symbols of new life.

At the moment, the figure gazes at the fallen cups. Will s/he choose to focus on what is gone, or will s/he turn and see the beauty and potential that is also present and within reach?

Is there a situation in your life where you could let go of regret, and embrace a beautiful alternative instead? Both co-exist; which will you choose?

from The Star Tarot by Cathy McLelland
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