Flow with February 2017

February Offerings from Karusia Nirmala
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Beloved Reader

I take much comfort from the following wisdom of the Healing Buddha:
When positive or joyous feelings and attitudes
Pass through each organ
And circulate throughout our whole system,
Our physical and chemical energies are
Transformed and balanced.

Wow, the choice is up to us! Will we focus on that which raises our vibrational field, or that which lowers it? What we absorb (food, company, media) and what we emit (speech, presence and actions) speaks volumes. Where are we actually investing our precious life force? Whatever we feed, is what grows.

In these trying times, it is crucial to rise up and boldly reveal our best selves in every way possible. And to shine brighter than the darkness around us. It is time to rise up and lead the way by example.

Holly Sierra's "Mistress of the Chalice Well" speaks to healing through the nature and power of water. Water nourishes, bathes, cleanses and refreshes...our planet and all sentient life. Water flows, vitality flows. Blockages and constrictions release and begin to move again. Movement is life! Even tears of joy and of sorrow moisten and reset our nervous systems.

My path is dedicated to preserving and sharing ways to keep our energy reserves full and flowing. Through yoga and qigong we can learn to master the art of flow in movement, breath, thought and spirit. We can learn to slow down in order to feel into our bodies and emotions. We can learn to discern what needs to go, what needs to stay, and what needs to be added.

We can learn to be kinder to ourselves and to others. May all beings in all worlds live with peace and ease of heart.
February Classes
All classes held in the Amenity Room at 21 Nassau St. Please enter by garden pathway west of main doors.

Hatha Yoga 10:30am-noon. $15. Feb. 12, 19 & 26

Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. By donation.
Women's QiGong  7-8:15pm. $15.
Feb. 6, 13, 20 & 27

Hatha Yoga, 9-10:15am. $15.
Feb. 8, 15 & 22

Yoga Nidra 7-8:15pm. $20.
Feb. 2, 9, 16 & 23
~ Special Event: February Kirtan ~
Friday Night Kirtan: Singing With Our Souls
@ Ayurvedic Rituals
1081 Bathurst St. (south of Dupont)
Friday February 24, 7-9pm
By donation.

Kirtan is devotional call and response singing, rooted in the yogic tradition. It is uplifting and purifying!
Led by Ana Shanti & Karusia Nirmala, devotées of Sri Baba Hari Dass
Raise Your Voice and Let Love Flow.

February's Tarot Card
A young woman and lion are perfectly partnered in their energies and are focused on their mission. Together, they show true strength. Only Love and mutual respect can transform domination of another. See how the heart blazes when opposites are balance: sun and moon, yang and yin, masculine and feminine. We are all in this together. Reflections: Where in your life can you love more fiercely and well? Where can your power shine more brightly?
The Tarot is an ancient art of holding a mirror up to the subconscious mind. By engaging with image and symbol, we awaken our intuition and insights reveal themselves. Consider a reading if you feel "stuck" in any aspect of your life; the cards are very loving and direct in their messages. In February, readings with Karusia Nirmala are on sale for $50. They can be done in person or by email.
Beaming Love and Light to you right now, Dear Reader!

Karusia Nirmala
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