Karusia’s Classes in November

November Offerings from Karusia Nirmala
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Hello Beautiful Reader!

This month's theme is "roots and wings", inspired by my travels to Poland last month. It was a personal dream come true...I had been longing to feel the ground of my ancestors under my feet, to marinate in our sounds, smells and tastes. It was my first visit, and I chose to celebrate my 60th birthday there.

Language and identity are mysterious and powerful. I heard Polish in my home as a girl, but I was not schooled much further in the language. Nonetheless, I was surprised by how much I understood, and how my command of the language improved exponentially in a short period of time. Imprinted in my DNA and on my heart....

It was comforting and grounding for me to be on Polish soil. I had the pleasure of continuing my studies of qigong with Daisy Lee in Warsaw. It was magical to experience these teachings simultaneously in English and in Polish. It was transformative to practise on my own in the parks and forests, to commune directly with the big energies of Earth and Sky....

I reconnected with a part of myself that had been quietly waiting in the wings. And as much as I felt thoroughly "Polish", I also felt that I was part of the whole world. Does Mother Earth have lines where one country ends and another begins? Earth, people, animals, trees, water, air....all one. A fullness that cannot be diminished, divided nor augmented.

It is said that there is a sacred energy site at Wawel Castle in Krakow, so naturally I had to visit and find out for myself! I leaned against the gate and waited. I expected to have a heart-opening experience, but something else happened to me. The quieter I became, the more my awareness dropped deep into the earth below me. Deeper than I had ever imagined. Deep, silent and eternal. I can feel it again as I write this... Perhaps you can sense it too?

Opening the heart, mind and crown have been a focal part of my journey within. This new depth anchors me and roots me. it calms me and supports me to slow down. I love the image that accompanies this post. I searched for "roots and wings", and this was channeled via the internet! I wish I knew the name of the artist so I can thank him/her. If anyone has this information, please share it.

I wish you strong, deep roots and a soaring heart and mind.
~ Karusia Nirmala ~


Below is a calendar of my group classes for November. Unless noted, all classes take place in the Amenity Room of the Kensington Market Lofts, just west of 21 Nassau St. Map here.

I am also available as a speaker for corporate wellness events, as well as for private classes, personalised yoga therapy sessions, Reiki, and Tarot readings.

My mission is to facilitate the smooth and joyous flow of energy!

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