May is Blooming!

May Offerings from Karusia Nirmala
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Beloved Reader

I see you! You are beautiful beyond compare, and perfect in every way. Divine Light animates every cell of your being, and shines through your eyes. You are an emanation of the Divine, you are beloved, you are important, and you are needed in this world. Thank you for being in my life.

I mean this with every fiber of my being. This attitude lies at the root of cultivating healing presence in Yoga Therapy, and I am continually growing into this understanding and all of its applications. Doesn't it feel wonderful to be seen in this way? It is transformative to view the world through this lens.

When we see one other in this way, a bridge of love pours open between two hearts. When this bridge exists, there are unlimited possibilities for love to flow in both directions and for life itself to draw us into wholeness. Rather than seeing a problem or a condition, we recognize the divine spark that really runs the show. We see the miracle that is everywhere. This is how I approach any healing interactions with myself and with others. Being reminded of our own inner radiance can often be the spark that ignites healing from within. Teachers and healers serve as guides; our job is to shine brightly in order to lift up, remind and inspire those around us.

We all need ways to help us keep this energy alive, to heal our own wounded places, and to release any heaviness that we may absorb along the way. My life savers have been yoga, dance, qigong and energy healing. I also love to learn from inspiring examples and teachings. All of these things help me to remember what is life-giving, especially when the going gets tough.

I invite you to reread the opening prayer and to savour the meaning of every phrase. Try this in different ways....Gaze at your own beautiful face in a mirror and read it out loud to yourself. Offer it silently or aloud to someone you love, then to someone you feel neutral towards, and finally to someone who is struggling or who rubs you the wrong way. Offer it to your plants, your pets, to our Mother Earth; be creative! Take your time and dedicate one day to each suggestion, or spread the practices out over the coming month. Notice your thoughts and feelings, and notice any shifts in energy or circumstances.....Be curious and have fun! Spreading Light and Love is always welcome, everywhere.
May Classes:

All classes held in the Amenity Room at 21 Nassau St. Please enter by garden pathway west of main doors.

Hatha Yoga 10:30am-noon. $15. *No class May 21*

Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. By donation.
Women's QiGong  7-8:15pm. $15.
*No classes May 15*

Hatha Yoga, 9-10:15am. $15.

Yoga Nidra 7-8:15pm. $20.
~ Special Event: May Kirtan ~
Friday Night Kirtan: Singing With Our Souls
@ Ayurvedic Rituals
1081 Bathurst St. (south of Dupont)
Friday May12, 7-9pm

~ By donation ~

Kirtan is devotional call and response singing, rooted in the yogic tradition. It is a form of vibrational medicine that heals and purifies us.

Led by Ana Shanti & Karusia Nirmala, devotées of Sri Baba Hari Dass

This kirtan honours The Mother Archetype in her many forms. 
May's Tarot Card: The Fool

The Fool represents the beginning of a new cycle. A tender soul receives a vision and a call to action. What dream or mission stirs within your depths and longs to be activated? This can be a scary place, especially if you are guided to take an unconventional path...but if the path is authentic, there will always be guidance and support, as seen in the Angel offering her blessing. This world needs your gifts more than ever! Where can you shine, my dear friend? (deck: The Spiral Tarot)
The Tarot is an wisdom art that holds up a mirror to the subconscious mind. By engaging with image and symbol, we awaken our intuition, and insights reveal themselves. Consider a reading if you feel "stuck" in any aspect of your life; the cards are very loving and direct in their messages. Contact me if you are drawn to a reading in person or by email.
Beaming Love and Light to you right now, Dear Reader! May you live with peace and ease of heart.

Karusia Nirmala
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