Pop-up Online Women’s QiGong class this Sunday!

Radiant Lotus Women's QiGong

Sunday March 1 from 10am-11am
In your home! A live, online class. 
Details below.
... photo by Karusia ...

Beloved Reader!

Radiant Lotus QiGong is a blessing in my life, and so are you. 

You asked, and I listened! You are invited to a live pop-up online women's qigong class this Sunday March 1 from 10-11am, Toronto time. Audio and video will be in real time. It is suitable for beginners and also for those with experience. 

We will combine mindful breathing and gentle movements, along with positive visualizations, to channel energy into radiant health and well-being. These practices are designed to delight, balance, and refresh women of all ages and abilities, and can be performed standing or seated. 

Our session will include:

  • Shaking, Tapping and Cupping
  • Healing Self-Massage
  • Sounding
  • Grounding and Releasing Practices


  • You, and a sense of adventure
  • A chair 
  • Your computer, laptop, tablet or cell phone 
To participate, please follow these instructions:
  • RSVP here.
  • Please pay by e-transfer to karusia@shaktiflow.com. No password is needed. I will send further instructions once you have registered.

As always, beaming Love to you. I hope to see you on Sunday for our first cyber-Qi experience!

~ Karusia Nirmala

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