Beloved Reader!
Let’s take a deep breath in, and let out a good long exhalation! It’s been a busy, messy, sweet, crazy, funny, tragic, and full whirlwind of a festive season, hasn’t it? Or is just me?....
And whatever it has been, and continues to be, is a blessing. Life is always a blessing... the good and the bad. Resisting this is futile…. Anytime we want things to be different than they are, we create our own pain. Acceptance is release. If we wish to continue in a different way in order to get different results, we can choose a fresh path going forward.
I thought I would try something new in this newsletter, in honour of moving into a new year and new decade. Many of you know I love the Tarot, and I love reading for people. So I thought I would offer a collective reading for all of us in the ShaktiFlow tribe. It is organized around four prompts, namely: the theme as we go forward, what are we leaving behind, where are we headed, and what is our main ally as we move forward along our journey.
For me, the Tarot is a way to tap into intuition. It is a method to converse with our intuitive and non-linear selves. Here, we can connect with dreams, feelings, and alternative approaches. All too often, we are caught in our habituated patterns.... and cannot see beyond them. We are left going around in circles; even digging ourselves deeper into those “thought ruts”.
The images, colours and collective symbolism of the Tarot can awaken fresh perspectives. As we gaze at the cards, we slow down. We wait for a glimmer... and as we follow that light, it grows brighter and other options reveal themselves. Like Yoga and QiGong, the Tarot expands our consciousness and shows us a wider range of possibilities. Tarot is not a predictor of the future; but it is a mirror of where we are, and of our tendencies. It awakens our awareness; it empowers us to find the answers that already lie within us. In this way, it is healing. And this is why I view it as a branch of Yoga Therapy.
Without further ado, here is the reading. The deck I have chosen is The Goddess Tarot, by Kris Waldherr. I am offering a brief explanation of each individual card, followed by their combined meaning. I invite you to feel into these images for yourself, and see what lands for you.
1. The theme moving forward: Ten of Swords

This card symbolizes the completion of a difficult cycle. It was unavoidable, but it rectified a karmic debt. We can move forward with freed energy. The lessons learned grant us wisdom and authority.
2. What we are leaving behind: Prince of Pentacles
This Prince is a messenger of stability, especially when it comes to practical matters regarding home, work and health. “Slow and steady” is his motto.
3. Where we are heading: Prince of Cups

Another Prince! This one is a messenger of creativity, intuition, and the sparking/restarting of passion. He can be a dreamer, as well as a heart-breaker….
4. An important ally moving forward: Seven of Staves
Here is a card of struggle and instability. We are surrounded by challenges, and quite possibly by people who are ready to betray us. And it also gives us the opportunity to hone confidence, clarity and perseverance.
Putting it all together
How do these building blocks fit together? We have the individual meanings of each card, and we also have the unique relationship generated amongst them. Please keep in mind that every reader has their own flavour, so you will be getting mine. I believe that the Tarot always has our best interest at heart, so I like to read in a way that gives us positive energy to move forward.
As we leave 2019, we close a difficult chapter and move forward with extra energy and a positive outlook. This is good news, and lends a wonderful start to 2020. It is important to balance the practical elements of life with our dreams. Both are necessary, and it appears that the past year was focussed on building resources, inside and out. Now is the time to let our tender, wild nature shine brightly in the world! It may seem strange to have a card of conflict in the role of ally… But the strength in this card lies in how we can clarify our personal values and self-worth, especially in the face of others’ agendas. Our instincts will tell us who our true friends are: let’s appreciate them and keep them close. It is also interesting that we have all the elemental energies represented in this reading, which indicates a nice balance. We have air (swords/thoughts), pentacles (earth/stability), cups (water/emotions) and staves (fire/creative action).
This reading is meaningful for me, and I hope it resonates somehow for you too. I will continue to reflect on its message as it pertains to my life. I’m curious to see what unfolds through my dreams and in the synchronicities of daily life. I’d love to hear your responses to this reading, so please feel free to write. In the meantime, I wish you every blessing going forward into a magnificent 2020!
(If you would like a personal reading for yourself, I am offering a January special! Please check the box below for details.)
May we rise together and shine brightly!
In Love and Light,
~ Karusia Nirmala