Sleep Like A Baby: A workshop for women who are tired of being tired.

A Road to Carefree Sleep:
a Workshop for Women Who Are Tired of Being Tired

Wednesday March 20, 7-9pm.
Held in the Amenity Room @ 21 Nassau St.

(entrance west of main doors, signs will be posted)
... art by Taryn Knight ...

Beloved Reader!

This is a workshop that is near and dear to my heart. Perhaps it speaks to you too.

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Does exhaustion interfere with your productivity and your pleasure? In this workshop, we will go over a 
check-list of simple tips to build a foundation for good sleep hygiene habits, and we will practice yogic techniques that unwind a busy nervous system and improve sleep quality. These will include gentle movement, reflection, breathing and visualization techniques, including yoga nidra aka "divine sleep of the yogis".

You will go home with new skills that invite deep rest, a handout of  techniques covered, and an mp3 recording of a guided 
visualization to use at home. 


Let's get together and slow the h#*l down!
Imagine how your creativity might flow if you were well-rested....

Registration is required by email, space is limited.

As always, sending Love to you! And beaming sweet, soothing rest to your nervous system and to your soul.

~ Karusia Nirmala

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