Spring Tune-Up With Radiant Lotus Women’s QiGong

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An afternoon Playshop of Radiant Lotus Women's QiGong Level One

Saturday March 24 from 2-5pm. $40 
21 Nassau St. Amenity Room
All ages and abilities welcome.
RSVP in order to hold your spot.
Calling all women!

I am delighted to offer an afternoon dedicated to a nourishing and refreshing practice called Radiant Lotus Women's QiGong!

It is a form of "Chinese Yoga" that blends breathing, gentle movement and mindfulness. It has been lovingly created by Daisy Lee, as a healing gift to all women.

It has changed my life and I want to share it with you.

The practice is fun and it is easy to learn. You can do it standing, or you can sit in a chair. You can even lie down and still receive the energy. 

It is made up of tapping, cupping, shaking, self-massage, sound healing, graceful movement flows and meditative silence. All of this is supported by smooth, calm, relaxed breathing.

You are guaranteed to feel renewed, energized, balanced and proud of your femininity. Plus, you will land in a community of supportive, creative and lovely women. And you will have FUN.

Light, energy-filled refreshments will be served.

If this feels irresistible to you, please RSVP to this message to hold your spot.

And no matter what, this announcement is drenched with healing Qi energy! Can you feel it, Dear Sister?

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