Summer of Love! Karusia’s classes in July

July Offerings from Karusia Nirmala
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Greetings Dear Reader!

This month’s theme is the care and feeding of your Joy Body.

What is a Joy Body and do I have one?

Everyone and every sentient being has a Joy Body. You know it through its presence. When you are awed by beauty; when your mind and spirit are elevated; when you feel your heart glowing with love; when you feel expanded and connected to all; when you feel whole and full. It is a state of bliss.

Can I grow my Joy Body?

Of course you can! Think about the things that bring a smile to your face and a spring to your step, and do more of them more often. Do something to feed this body every day. Perhaps it is travelling, spending more time with loved ones, volunteering for a cause you are passionate about, music, dance, yoga, art, prayer, meditation, cooking, gardening, being in nature, receiving or giving a massage….the possibilities are endless.

But I’m so busy with work, daily life and duties….how do I find the time?

I believe that we can all find 5 minutes a day to sit or lie down quietly to connect to our deepest Joy. You can concentrate on what you love, an inspiring memory, object (like a candle flame or your heart center), spiritual role model, a beautiful sunset, or your breath. Breathe smoothly and gently, and tap into the feelings of peace and joy that arise. Feed this with your breath, and imagine your bliss spreading out in waves to every organ and every part of your body and mind. Exhale to clear your channels, and inhale Joy to fill every cell right down into its nucleus. Warning: 5 minutes might easily stretch into 10 or 15! 

What are the benefits of feeding the Joy Body?

A healthy Joy Body optimizes every cell of your physical and spiritual being. Bliss nourishes your nervous system, your immune system and the harmonious functioning of all your organs. It reminds us of our true nature, and builds our resilience on every level. We can meet life’s challenges with more ease and creativity, instead of getting bogged down and stuck. We become more buoyant and more radiant over time. Icky stuff slides off more easily instead of clinging.

FYI, a radiant Joy Body can be contagious! People, animals, plants and situations around you will start waking up to their own sparkle. Things will flow. Think of it as a Super Power that can help make this world a better and sweeter place for all.

And now, please go feed your Joy Body and spend some quality time together! I am cheering you on right now. ~ KN

art credit: Alice Mason, Under The Bodhi Tree
July Public Classes

All classes held in the Amenity Room at 21 Nassau St., unless otherwise indicated. Please enter through garden pathway west of main doors.

Hatha Yoga 5:30-6:45pm. By donation.
Women's QiGong  7-8:15pm. $15.
~ no classes July 3, Happy 150th Birthday Canada! ~

Yoga Nidra 7-8:15pm. $20.

~NEW~ all Fridays in July
Restorative Yoga 4:30-5:45pm. $19 plus HST
I am subbing for the beautiful Marla Meenakshi Joy at Downward Dog Yoga Center

* ~ * ~ * ~ *

Private classes, Yoga Therapy & Tarot available by appointment.
Summer School at Yogaspace!
Deepen your understanding of Yoga and gain a strong foundation in the growing field of Yoga Therapy.
July 8 and 9, 2017
The Healing Path of Breath

10 hours of detailed attention on a toolkit of pranayama techniques for yourself and for sharing with your students and loved ones. This is my personal specialty in my role as Yoga Therapist, and I love teaching this program! Register here.

July 15, 16, 22 and 23, 2017
Yoga Therapy for Physical, Mental and Emotional Health

20 hours of Yoga Therapy foundations from a practitioner with 15 years of professional experience. You will learn about the theory and practice of this growing field from its roots and from contemporary perspectives. This course has a special focus on how to support people living with anxiety and depression. Register here.

Yoga Alliance CEU's available.

art credit: Alice Mason, Blue Angel with Butterflies
July's Tarot: The Star
The time has come to shed all internal and external assumptions about your true identity, and recommit your soul to your divine mission. You are crowned with radiance, you are guided by a celestial blueprint and it is time to shine! There is an exquisite sweetness and mystery to what can unfold under the quiet light of the moon. Listen to your deepest stirrings. Slow down, step out of your day-to-day so-called reality and transport yourself into this sublime setting. What do you feel, hear, taste, see? Does your Star self have a message for you? Card from "The Cosmic Tarot"
Tarot communicates through a language of image, symbol, colour and feeling. It awakens our intuition and opens us up to new possibilities and potentials that lie beyond our normal patterns. Consider a reading if you would like a fresh outlook on any aspect of your life; the cards are very loving and direct in their guidance. Contact me if you are called to experience a reading in person, by Skype or by email.
Beaming Love and Light to you right now, Dear Reader!
May your Joy body be filled to the brim
with Holy Nectar.

Karusia Nirmala
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