Two free Somatics lessons! Experience what it means to move slowly, with awareness, and within a range of movement that prioritizes ease.
This methodology re-calibrates our nervous systems, reduces pain, improves posture and well-being, and brings suppleness to our bodies and minds. And these are just a few of the benefits!
Each lesson is one hour, which includes a short introduction to the method and an opportunity to share afterwards, or to ask questions.
All you need is your willingness and curiosity, and a place to lie down. This could be on a yoga mat on the ground, or even on your bed. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you freedom of movement, and have a few pillows or folded towels available to use as props if they are needed.
Please email me if you would like to experience one or both of the following sessions:
Saturday Feb. 12, 10-11am. “Freeing the Hips” and/or
Saturday Feb. 19, 10-11am. “Activating the Core”.
These lessons take place over Zoom, and you are most welcome to attend.