group classes on Zoom

Most classes continue to take place over Zoom, although private visits are now possible when time and distance allow. I am grateful to be able to practise together with you in the comfort of our own homes during these “interesting” times.

Please contact me by email and let me know which classes you would like to attend. I will follow up with your Zoom link for the class you have chosen.

For Yoga classes, please have a yoga mat or towel available, and a pillow or yoga block (a book will do, too). For QiGong classes, please have a chair available for seated work, or as an alternative to standing. For Yoga Nidra and Living Somatics lessons, have a few small pillows and/or folded blankets available for added comfort. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you freedom of movement. For Yoga, bare feet are preferred; for Somatics, bare feet or socks work equally well; for QiGong, you can wear socks, slippers or soft indoor shoes. If in doubt, go for personal comfort.

Suggested donation per group QiGong/Yoga/Nidra/Somatics class: $10-$15-$20, as you are able. Tarot Salons are $15-$20-$25. No one is turned away for lack of funds. Please email me for further info. 

Schedule for July 2024 


Radiant Lotus Women’s QiGong, 10-11am. 

Tapping, cupping, sounding, and movement flows to nourish and rejuvenate women’s bodies, minds and spirits. For all ages and abilities, following Daisy Lee’s Radiant Lotus form. Release tensions, and cultivate balance. Cultivate loving kindness to self first, and then share to others. Remember your true nature, and your wealth of inner resources: this is especially important during these challenging times!



Healing QiGong, 10-11am. * No class July 31

Tapping, cupping, sounding, and movement flows to boost circulation, immune function, and well-being. Focus is on optimal breathing,  joint mobilization, healthy expression of emotions, and clearing the energy of our organs. Focussing on students’ requests, e.g. hips, arthritis, migraine, stress, etc.



Group Hatha Yoga and Yoga Nidra are currently on hiatus until further notice.

Living Somatics for Buttery Hips, Thursday July 11, 7-8pm.    

Release tension in your muscles and movement patterns, to uncover delicious ease in your hips. Learn how your unique soma loves to move, forgetting about outside opinions around what is “right”.

Following the principles of moving slowly and with awareness, and within a comfortable range of motion that brings pleasure, fluidity and ease. The lessons take place primarily while lying on the floor, and are themed around natural and healthy movement patterns of the body. One enters a deep state of relaxation and connection with oneself, while releasing pain and chronic patterns of tension in body and mind. Deeply therapeutic and transformative! 

Expressive Dance Party!, Thursday July 25, 7-8pm.

Starting with relaxation, breath awareness and gentle warmups, we progress through a variety of tempi and movement qualities that are all accompanied by inspiring world music. 

Guidance is minimal; just enough to suggest fresh possibilities to you while leaving ample time and space for you to find your own authentic expression.

Expect physical and emotional freedom, and lots of fun! Please wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move.



Tarot Salon, Sunday July 14, 2:30-4pm 

Bring your favourite Tarot deck and a sense of curiosity and enthusiasm, no experience necessary.

We begin with a brief centering exercise to quiet our busy minds and to open our intuition, followed by a brief Tarot talk. Next, we draw personal cards and spend time in meditative reflection before sharing our discoveries in the group. This collective feedback enriches everyone’s experience.

Expect to learn about the traditional meanings of Tarot cards, and more importantly- how to feel confident in your own interpretations.

These salons are interactive, and include lively discussions as well as a chance to experience the artwork of many different decks!