In the fall of 2012, I signed up for a Tarot class at the House of Energy just down the street from my home. I have always wanted to learn how to read the cards, and even bought a few decks over the years, but I always bumped up against the same wall: intimidation! How could I possibly…ever…learn the meanings of all 78 cards!!?? And so the decks sat silently on the shelf.
As luck (and grace) would have it, my first wonderful teacher, Stacey Noel, made it easy and fun by breaking it down in digestible bites. And then I was hooked. And then friends started asking me for readings….
I’ve been practicing, practicing, reading books, practicing, and for a change practicing some more. I have discovered the joys of online Tarot and Angel Oracle study with Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. On March 17, 2014, I studied with them in person in Toronto.
I love reading Tarot cards. I have discovered that a reading becomes an intimate conversation between two people and the cards, opening up portals to inner worlds. The images on the cards consistently mirror thoughts, feelings and events that are deeply meaningful to the querent (person receiving the reading). I am often deeply touched myself, and feel blessed to share these experiences.
I have come to the conclusion that Tarot reading is a form of Yoga, and even of Yoga Therapy. As the reader, the process is to become quiet inside through breath and meditation, and to “get out of the way” (bye, bye ego!) in order to let synchronicity, intuition and qi find the messages that want to be revealed. Together, we tap into archetypes and the collective unconscious…The rich images on the cards awaken memory, dreams, desires, heartaches, joys, solutions and new ways of looking at life that promote healing and wholeness.
If you are interested in having a reading, please email me for a booking. Suggested donation for a reading is $40-$60. A reading lasts one hour, and can be done in person, over the telephone, or over Skype.